Lessons & Activities

Grades K-3

The Five Senses

Explore the five senses through our interactive games and activities designed to engage young leaners.

Nutrition & Fitness

Demonstrate the importance of eating healthy and staying active with our Nutrient Superheros and friends.

Dental Health

Get your students excited about dental hygiene in our standards-based activities starring Sheriff Tough Tooth and the Sugar Gang.

Mental Health

Engage young learners in cross-curricular activities designed to teach the importance of postive self-esteem, healthy decision making, and accepting one another.

Grades 4-6


Dive into all of the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty with the help of Coach Craley and the Transformation Team.

Nutrition & Fitness

Get students moving and eating healthy in our interactive nutrition and fitness games and activities.

Mental Health

Discover the importance of mental health and wellness in standards-based activities designed to promote emotional well-being.

Tobacco & Inhalants

Investigate the dangers of smoking, vaping and use of inhalants in cross-curricular activities for elementary students.

Grades 7-9

Nutrition & Fitness

Experience the importance of regular physical activity and eating healthy in cross-curricular activities designed to keep adolescents engaged.

Mental Health

Reveal the many facets of mental health, and how it affects overall wellness, in our interactive games and activities for pre-teens.

Substance Abuse

Examine the dangers of drugs and alcohol in these standards-based activities intended to separate fact from fiction.

Grades 10-12

Nutrition & Fitness

Equip teens with the knowledge needed to live a healthy lifestyle with standards-based, cross-curricular activities focusing on nutrition and fitness.

Mental Health

Engage high school students in the importance of staying mentally and physically healthy with online, interactive games and activities.